Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


about company

Data is our Essence with Cyve

Cyve is data drive company involved in conducting research and analyzing data to reveal insights for business and personal decision making.

We leverage or skills and expertise to reveal possibilities for businesses to thrive profitably within the constraint of business environments. Quit the guessing game, let data insights be your guiding Star!


Our Vision

To be the leading provider of data-driven insights and solutions for businesses and individuals to take informed decisions and achieve their desired goals.


Our Mission

Our mission is to unlock the power of data through innovative research, advanced analytics, and customized solutions. We are committed to delivering high quality services and great value for our clients. With a focus on data privacy and security, we aim to be the trusted partner for businesses worldwide.

Who we are

Since our opening, we have become masters of our craft and committed to quality service delivery. We conduct user research, design surveys, and experiments to collect first-hand data for different business needs from product improvement to customer retention, credit risk profiling, new-customer adoption, operating efficiencies, resource allocation, optimization, and much more.

We employ multiple data analytics tools to analyze data and build predictive and optimization models for informed decision-making. With our predictive models, we give you the advantage of going before the facts occur to predict desired business outcomes and proactively solve business challenges.

We are located in Houston, Texas, and accept clients Nationwide. Contact us for fact-based decisions making and reap the dividend of the gold mine that seats in Databases.